Thursday, June 18, 2015

White Girls Survive Rogue Pigeon Attack and Other Adventures

White Girls Survive Rogue Pigeon Attack
At approximately 6:10 p.m. on Wednesday, a lone pigeon flew into an open window and directly into the bedroom of two white girls. The girls were surprised by the invasion but managed to keep their cool pretty well until the pigeon puffed up its feathers. This scared the ever-loving shit out of them. One of the girls then said, "We should call Lisa." Called to action by their roommates' screams, two other girls rushed in to help.
It was at this time that the pigeon broke further into the home and advanced to the kitchen, where it retreated into the corner behind the mops. Wanting to safely remove the pigeon, the girls attempted to capture the pigeon with an empty trash can and lid. The pigeon expertly engaged in evasive maneuvers to return to the bedroom, where two girls remained in the corners. It seemed like the pigeon would find its own way out when it made a move for the open window into which it had come, but it faked and squeezed between the wall and a nearby dresser. Eventually, after more screaming and the pigeon had gone under both beds, it was captured in the trash can. When release attempts were made by the window of entry, the pigeon did not appear to want to go, and thus shat its disapproval on the windowsill. The executive decision was made to put it on the balcony on the opposite side of the apartment.

The apprehension of the rogue pigeon.

After a successful transfer, the pigeon and trash can were placed outside and the balcony door closed. After several minutes, the pigeon was still outside, but was outside the trash can, and flew away when one of the residents went to remove the can.
After the incident, residents were quoted saying that it was the "most traumatic experience of my life." One of the girls who came to the rescue said, "I'm in the middle of a movie and all I hear from the next room is 'HEATHER!!!!!'" On a positive note, one of the residents said, "Let's just be thankful that Alexis and I are alive."
There were no injuries, although two of the girls may need to seek PTSD treatment. As of yet, it is unclear. A purse was shat on.

Today Steve, Severina, and I went on adventures around Rome on our day off. We had to go back to the Largo Argentina to spend some quality time with the Italian kitties. I think it's so useful that the Italians use that space to help homeless cats, especially since the space wouldn't be used otherwise.

Steve giving a cat some love and belly rubs. The cat definitely enjoyed it.

We also spent some good old quality time together and now we are all bonded. We even have bracelets to prove it.

Said friendship bracelets (Roman style).

        I also used my creative problem-solving skills again to fish Steve's shirt off of the balcony below his apartment. Add that to the job apps.

Got that sucker by a thread. A thread.

This entire trip has been a lesson in living in a completely different country. What has surprised me most about the culture is all of the small ways that Italian culture is different from what I'm used to. It's not like I have to dress in a completely different way than I'm used to or go about my day in a different order or timeline. For instance, the Italians switch the use of commas and periods in monetary amounts, so the American punctuation of $1.50 would be 1,50 euro. Another difference is that there's public dumpsters and recycling on nearly every street and on both sides in residential areas. The siesta in the middle of the day is a change, too. One of my favorite parts of the class reading was learning about how ancient Romans used to take a break for a couple of hours in the afternoon to break up the long work day. I read that and realized that that's probably why the siesta is a thing today, and that it's so neat that the practice dates all the way back to the Roman Empire. The last difference that I can think of (but I'm sure there's still many, many more) is that you only get one check at sit-down restaurants. I'm going to be very glad to get back to the United States so I won't have to deal with trying to pay for my food with a group of people. Although if there's anything I've learned, it's that pigeon crime is definitely not monitored here, if last night is anything to go by.

Only you can prevent pigeon crime.

1 comment:

  1. You were pretty crafty getting my shirt back, thank you! I like your idea of how it is only the little things that are different over here. I was expected a lot of things to be incredibly different over here but I realized that it really isn't. Sure they do somethings strange and annoying such has their crazy parking but a lot of the culture here is so much better than in the U.S. nap in the afternoon? Yes please. It is also incredibly interesting to see customs that have survived since ancient Rome such as the afternoon break in the day or the snack bars everywhere or shops below almost every apartment building. These are amazing to still see in the culture today! Great post!
